Sports federations in Nigeria have seen a steady decline in state funding while sport all over the world has become a more capital-intensive enterprise. The role of sport promotion in generating funds for grass-root sport programmes in the country is vital. This study investigates sports promotion as a determinant of basketball development in Nigeria. The key objective of this study is to examine stakeholders’ perceptions of the influence of the media, advertising and sponsorship on basketball development in Nigeria. This study has adopted a descriptive design of survey type with a population of 512 stakeholders in the Nigerian Basketball Premier League, who were all purposively selected as participants. A reliability coefficient of 0.72 was obtained. The study employed a structured questionnaire. Out of the total of 512 copies distributed, 436 were completed and analyzed. The hypotheses were tested using a Chi-square test at alpha 0.05. The findings of this study indicate that the stakeholders perceive sport advertising (Cal. ᵡ2118.450 > 16.129), sport media (Cal. ᵡ278.633 > Crit. ᵡ216.129), and sport sponsorship (Cal. ᵡ257.225 > Crit. ᵡ216.129) as significant determinants of basketball development in Nigeria. The study concluded that sport promotion indices largely determine the development of basketball in Nigeria. The implication is that increased public and private funding into basketball fosters its development in Nigeria. The study recommends more research into effective communication with target markets and active encouragement of corporate organizations; generous sponsorship promotes sports and enhances their business product image.
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