Purpose: This review paper discusses the widely used policy analysis frameworks in sport. Given the lack of an This article outlines the history of the development of sports in rural areas of the Opolskie region in Poland after World War II. The author presents the political context as well as the operations of subsequent state organizations responsible for the promotion of sports in rural areas in the harsh reality of post-war deficits. The author also stresses the role of the Catholic Church in the newly established social structures in the post-war period. While not supportive of the structures, the church feared that the dynamic social changes would result in a decline in church attendance.
The article also discusses the reconstruction and construction of new sport infrastructure in rural areas carried out under a voluntary initiative called Subbotnik. Another period significant in the context of rural sports was the takeover of the People’s Sport Teams by the “Service for Poland” National Organization. Operations under its auspices led to an increased sporting activity.
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New Files Archives – Rural Self-Help Association, reference number 1276, Materials of the 2nd Rally of the Rural Self-Help Association.
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Journal of Law of the Polish People’s Republic 1948; 12: 90.
Czaczka, P. Początki Ludowych Zespołów Sportowych na Opolszczyźnie w latach 1946-1952. In: Nowak L., Urban R. (eds.) Physical culture in Poland between 1945 and 2009. Gorzów Wielkopolski: ZWKF, 2010.
National Archives in Olsztyn, Files Unit of the Presidium of the Provincial National Council in Opole, ref. 3740: 22.
National Archives in Olsztyn, Files Unit of the Provincial Management of the “Service for Poland” National Organization, ref. 41: 125–126.
PPR – rezolucje, odezwy, instrukcje i okólniki Komitetu Centralnego sierpień 1944 – grudzień 1945. Warszawa: KiW, 1959.
The “Dziennik Ludowy” daily of 24 January 1946.
Journal of Laws of the Polish People’s Republic 1946; 31: 131.
New Files Archives – Rural Self-Help Association, ref. no. 1276, materials of the 2nd Rally of the Rural Self-Help Association.
Journal of Laws of the Polish People’s Republic 1948; 12: 90.
New Files Archives, Main Management Files Unit of the Union of Youth Struggle, ref. no. 406/98.
Szymański L. Rola partii robotniczych i organizacji młodzieżowych w rozwoju kultury fizycznej na Dolnym Śląsku w latach 1945–75. In: Szymański L. Kultura fizyczna na Dolnym Śląsku w 40-leciu Polski Ludowej. Wrocław: AWF, 1985, pp. 94–95.
New Files Archives files of the “Service for Poland” National Organization. Ref. no. 3, Tables with positions in the “Service for Poland” National Organization in the years 1949–1955.
Drążdżewski S., Files of the General Physical Culture Committee, materials of the Statistics Department.
Archives of the Main Council of the People’s Sport Teams Association in Warsaw, Files of the Main Council of the People’s Sport Teams Association, report for the 2nd National Rally of the People’s Sport Teams.
Materials from the session of the 2nd Rally of the National People’s Sport Association, report of the commission to audit the financial and material management.
Files of the Main Council of the People’s Sport Team Association. Report for the 2nd National Rally of the People’s Sport Team Association, pp. 9–12
The board on 7–10 April 1956. The 2nd Congress of “Rural Self-Help” Supply and Sale Cooperatives recommended introduction of a point concerning leadership of the District Cooperatives over People’s Sport Teams into the statutes of the District Cooperatives in villages in individual farms and production cooperatives. (Files of CRS, materials of the 2nd Congress, Exemplary Statute of the District Cooperative).
New Files Archives. Files of the “Service for Poland” National Organization, materials of the office of the Chief Commander, Ocena pracy Zrzeszenia LZS za lata 1952–1955.
Files of the Main Council of the People’s Sport Teams Association, Material of the Organizational Unit. Guidelines concerning the Reporting and Election Campaign in units and instances of the People’s Sport Team Association in 1954–1955.
Memorandum of the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Polish United Workers' Party of 13 August 1954 concerning the People’s Sport Teams with relevant annotations.
Letter of the Chief Commander of the “Service for Poland” National Organization to provincial commanders concerning independence of the provincial councils of People’s Sport teams of 9 September 1954.
Materials of the 2nd National Rally of the People’s Sport Team Association.

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