The aim of this study was to investigate the association between students’ gender and teacher-student interactions in a sample of Botswanan junior secondary school Physical Education lessons. Ninety-six lessons taught by male and female physical education teachers were observed, coded, and analysed for gendered interaction patterns. Chi-square test of independence was used for data analysis. The level of statistical significance was set at p <. 05. Results reveal a statistically significant association between students’ gender and teacher-student interactions with respect to task allocation and misbehaviour management. No significant associations were found between students’ gender and teachers’ questions and feedback. The study concludes that systematic observations of pedagogical interactions in physical education settings are necessary to highlight deeply entrenched gender equity issues in co-educational classrooms. Physical education teacher preparation programmes must impress upon pre- and in-service candidates the importance of and different approaches to enacting gender-sensitive instructional practices. Providing physical education teachers with contextualized pedagogical directions and resources for analysing and addressing gender bias in their classroom will equip them to create inclusive, interactive, respectful, equitable, and productive lessons.
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