Include foods from all 12 food groups in your diet. Dry legumes constitute the ninth group. They are a source of valuable protein, dietary fiber and valuable minerals needed for the proper functioning of the body. The average protein content in legume seeds ranges from 20% to 35% on average. In recent years, due to the growing trend for plant-based diets, chickpeas have gained popularity, especially hummus from the Middle East.
Most of the respondents participating in the study were students of the first year of the second degree of dietetics 51.7% (N=31). The majority of respondents - 78.3% (N=47) suggested that they eat hummus. When asked about the reason for hummus consumption, the most frequently chosen answer was "It's tasty", which was indicated by 66.7% (N=40) of students. The most frequently consumed type of hummus in terms of taste was natural hummus, chosen by 38.2% (N=23) of the respondents. Most respondents, 81.7% (N=49), believed that hummus is an important source of protein when following a vegetarian diet.
At the end, the best and the worst hummus were assessed, taking into account all the sensory characteristics of hummus: color, texture, smell and taste.
The vast majority of the surveyed students of dietetics included hummus in their diet, most of whom chose this product because of the taste.
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