Procedura recenzowania

The rules of review   

      Works are approved for publication only after  a positive review of at least two independent reviewers nominated by the Editors, who do not belong to any scientific unit affiliated by the author.

      Reviews are in writing and are drawn up on a reviewers sheet, which instructs the reviewer to make a clear conclusion regarding the approval of the work for publication or its rejection.            

      Author/authors and the reviewer should remain anonymous between themselves (double-blind review process). The names of reviewers of given articles are not revealed.

      After receiving the review and introducing suggested changes author/authors commit to send their articles back within 2 weeks time. Authors receive their articles in pdf. format before publishing. Within two weeks author/authors  must send an information concerning the print approval.

      Author/authors retain copyright on their articles and are allowed to archive, as well as disseminate it under the laws of fair use. Author/author are also allowed to use the content of their article in their future works under the condition of providing full bibliographic citation.  

Review form