

Parental Attitude
Leadership Behavior
Physical Education Parental Attitude
Leadership Behavior
Physical Education

How to Cite

Belli, E., Gürbüz, A., & Bedir, F. (2019). THE EFFECT OF PARENT’S ATTITUDES ON THE LEADERSHIP BEHAVIORS OF STUDENTS AT THE FACULTY OF SPORT SCIENCES. Journal of Physical Education & Health, 8(13), 5-14. Retrieved from


The aim of this study is to explore the effect of parental attitudes of students at the Faculty of Sports Sciences on their leadership behaviors.
For data collection, two instruments were used in the current study to explore the leadership behaviors of students and their parental attitudes. These were: ‘The Leadership Behavior Scale’ which was developed by Hemphill and Coons [8] and adapted into Turkish by Önal [10] and ‘The Parental Attitude Scale’ which was developed by Kuzgun and Eldeklioğlu [9]. These questionnaires were administered to a total of 590 students consisting of 376 male and 214 female students. For data analysis, the SPSS statistical packet program was used for frequency analysis, and independent t-tests, one-way ANOVA and Tukey test were run to find out the source of the difference among different groups of participants. In addition, correlation analysis was performed to reveal the relationship between the students’ leadership behaviors and parental attitudes.

The findings of the study showed that there was a statistically significant positive correlation between parental attitudes and leadership behaviors of the participants.
Based on this finding, it was revealed that the more the parental attitudes of the participants increased, the more the students’ leadership behaviors increased.



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