In our paper we focus on the BUBO intervention programme applied on elementary school pupils for the period of 2 years. The intervention programme we have chosen is a part of an extended grant for Physical Education and Sports lessons at the Elementary School in Ružomberok. The focus of the intervention programme is on health-oriented physical education. The experimental group consisted of 49 pupils in the fifth and sixth grades, and included 28 girls and 21 boys. The original total number of the tested pupils was higher, but those who did not undergo the input or output evaluation for health reasons were excluded. The test took place in the school years 2015/2016 and 2016/2017. The programme was conducted in 15-minute time slots during Physical Education lessons three times a week. The principal research method was a one-group pedagogical experiment. The primary method of verifying the mobility ability levels was the Eurofit battery tests. In the results section we established that both tested groups of girls and boys exhibited positive changes after the application of the BUBO intervention programme. Both groups have improved in standing broad jump and sit and reach tests.
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