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Czaczka, P. (2021). english. Journal of Physical Education & Health, 10(17), 36-47. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6481181


The article describes the early years of cycle racing in the Opolskie, primarily the history of the post-war Zarzewie Prudnik People’s Sports Club. The origins and the efforts of the local clubs to promote this discipline in the difficult post-war period are outlined. From the very beginning of their existence, the enthusiasm and resourcefulness of sports activists, the majority of whom became involved as volunteers in all initiatives aimed at the promotion of cycle racing in the area of Prudnik and the whole Opolskie region deserves appreciation. The very fact that from the very beginning special attention was given to the youth, which later translated into very good results of juniors and seniors, is of special importance. Black and white photos supplement lists of keen activists, committed athletes and their scores to commemorate the contribution of the local clubs to the greatest achievements in the history of road cycling in Poland.

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